
CO2 Level 5 certificate

The CO2 Performance ladder is the Netherlands’ definitive sustainability tool. It helps companies and government departments reduce CO2 emissions and, in doing so, cut costs across the business, within projects and along the supply chain. The CO2 Performance Ladder is used as a CO2 management system and as a tool for tenders. Organisations that obtain CO2 Performance Ladder certification see this as an investment that is immediately paid back in terms of lower energy costs, savings on materials, and innovation gains. The CO2 Performance Ladder was first developed in 2009 by ProRail and has been owned and managed by the Foundation for Climate Friendly Procurement and Business (SKAO) since 2011.

In June 2022, Balance was awarded CO2 Level 5 certification. This certification shows that both Balance and its clients consider a future-proof Netherlands to be important.

CO2 policy

In addition to obtaining this certification, based on information relating to gas and electricity consumption, the vehicle fleet, floor areas, rental and driver agreements, carbon footprint and more, Balance has decided to set reduction targets and to put in place a CO2 policy.